PRFM Hair Restoration in Weymouth, MA

PRFM Therapy is used in hair restoration for natural looking results. With a thin needle, your own Platelet-Rich Fibrin Matrix (PRFM) is injected into the scalp. PRFM Hair Restoration is suitable for both men and women. It is a state of the art, non-surgical, totally natural, alternative medical procedure used for the treatment of hair loss or hair thinning. It is an injectable treatment which uses the patient’s own blood. PRFM contains active growth factors, which stimulate hair growth and regrowth. The end result is a fuller, healthier looking head of hair that can help to restore one’s confidence.

PRP/PRFM contains your own body’s platelets suspended in plasma. … PRFM is an even further development which produces a fibrin mesh that sustains the platelets to the area injected to provide continued growth factor release over a longer period of time vs PRP, thus even further enhancing the benefits of the treatment.

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy: What It Is And How Does It Work?

top view woman getting prp treatmentThe clinician takes a small blood sample. That sample is then treated in a centrifuge to separate the reparative cells, or platelets, from the other types blood components, like red blood cells. The PRFM has a highly concentrated number of platelets in plasma, which release essential growth proteins. This mix is injected into the scalp using a small, thin needle. It is possible to use PRFM Hair Loss Therapy alone to promote hair growth. However we recommend it be used in combination with at home products to enhance the results.

What Are PRFM Hair Regrowth Treatments And How Do They Work?

PRFM or Platelet Rich Plasma for hair regrowth is an in-office, non-surgical, autologous treatment (derived from the patient’s own blood) that can be performed in about 30 minutes. After the area of concern is identified, evaluated and measured, standardized medical photos are taken in the photo suite. Special sterile techniques and equipment are used to separate and concentrate the platelets and plasma from a small sample of peripheral blood. PRFM contains growth factors and cytokines that have been shown to stimulate and enhance hair follicle function. Small injections of the PRFM deliver the powerful platelet-derived growth factors into the skin at the level of the weak follicles.

Who Is The Ideal Candidate For PRFM Treatment For Hair Loss?

At LL Aesthetics, we focus on two types of hair loss patients when it comes to PRFM treatments: chronic hair loss (male and female pattern balding) and acute hair loss (ex: post partum hair loss). In our experience, patients with areas of “weak quality” hair growth on the scalp, where functioning hair follicles can still be observed, are the patients who appear to have the greatest success with PRFM hair regrowth treatments. Those with “shiny” bald spots and long standing balding are NOT the best candidates.

How Does Combining PRFM Treatments With At Home Vitamins And Topical Products Help With The Overall Results of Treatment?

Our provider has carefully chosen products, which enhance the outcomes of PRFM treatments by preparing the scalp for the action of topical serums and PRFM injections. They restore volume and strength to existing follicles and prolong the growth phase of the follicle life cycle. In addition, these products promote nutritional exchanges in the hair bulb by increasing scalp circulation and reduce stress hormones and inflammation, which will weaken the follicles.

When Can You Expect Results From PRFM And How Long Do They Last?

It can take up to six to twelve months to judge the results of PRFM “visually” in the mirror, although most clients begin to notice results at 3 months. Standardized photos will be taken before each PRFM Hair Restoration treatment, so improvement can be tracked. After the treatment phase, the average hereditary hair loss patient can expect to need a PRFM treatment once every 6-12 months to maintain results.

What Are the Risks And Benefits of PRFM Treatment?

The main risk of PRFM is that your doctor or technicians are using careless or outdated preparation and application equipment or techniques which result in a poor or less than optimal outcome. Patients with certain blood disorders or on certain medications are not candidates for PRFM treatments. PRFM is immunologically neutral and poses little risk of allergy, hypersensitivity or foreign-body reactions.

How Long Do the Benefits of PRFM Treatments Last?

According to published reports, PRFM tends to improve hair caliber and hair growth for about four to six weeks, requiring repeated treatments once a month for 3 months. On average, however, most patients will require their repeat PRFM treatment after 6-12 months in order to maintain the hair growth effects.

PRFM is a comfortable, in-office, non-surgical procedure that takes about 30 minutes start-to-finish. Most of that time is spent in the preparation phase. Patients typically notice a brief period of inflammation during which their scalp remains somewhat pink and feels some pressure or swelling for a few hours. Hair growth improvements can typically be measured in about three months, but it may take six to twelve months to visually “see” the difference in the mirror.

Is There a Recovery Period Or Downtime After PRFM Treatments?

There is no activity restriction after a PRFM treatment. Patients may shower/shampoo/condition their hair normally just several hours after the treatment and resume normal daily and athletic activities. As mentioned previously, some brief mild inflammation noticeable as redness/pinkness and swelling of the scalp may be present for several hours. No harsh chemical coloring or perming treatments should be performed for at least 72 hours. Use of topical hair growth treatments like Minoxidil or similar can resume the next day.

Are There Any Contraindications Or Other Factors That Would Make Someone Ineligible For PRFM?

Patients should be educated by their Hair Restoration Clinician as to what results they could expect from PRFM in various areas of the scalp. Different areas of the scalp may respond differently to PRFM depending on the amount of weak hair follicles present in each zone. Generally, locations where severe depletion of follicles has occurred should not be treated because the chance of results is so small. The vast majority of healthy individuals can easily undergo PRFM treatments. Certain conditions like blood and platelet disorders, chronic liver disease, presence of an active severe infection, cardiovascular or hemodynamic instability and/or the presence of anti-coagulation therapy (e.g. warfarin) would make PRFM contraindicated. Recent steroid treatments and smoking are relative contraindications and should be discussed with your Hair Restoration Clinician.

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PRFM Hair Restoration in Weymouth, MA

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